Thinking about the future of workplace

Fall 2024

The 4-day week, face-to-face, bimodal, digital nomads, employer branding, internal communications...

What does the future of work look like?

Be part of the possibilities by registering for the first edition of HackMTL.

About HackMTL?

40h intense, yet fun-filled hours where teams collaborate to solve problems or create innovative technological projects.

We stand out for our inclusive vision of innovation, and recognize that hackathons are an arena for all people with a passion for problem-solving. Whatever your field of expertise: there's a place for you in our friendly competition.

60 participants
$20 000+ in cash
500 Saint-Jacques, Montreal, QC


Designer, plant expert, DIY enthusiast: I transform the ordinary into the extraordinary

About us

As former participants in several hackathons, our aim is to give back to the next generation by creating an extraordinary experience for bright people with big ideas.

Thanks to our partners

The 40 hours of pure fun and prizes would not be possible without the generous contributions of our partners.


Would you like to encourage innovative projects on the future of work?

Become a partner

Frequently asked questions